
Embracing diversity and inclusion creates a greater opportunity

to reflect the character and nature of Christ.

- Kelley Johnson

Understand God's Design and Love for Diversity and Inclusion

With more than 20 years of experience in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space, Kelley Johnson has answered the call to guide believers through a
6-session Bible Study on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Join Kelley as she explores how Christian professionals can successfully navigate the beautifully diverse world God created.

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There were times when I felt the book spoke directly to me, encouraging me to get up, take the principles outlined in its pages and apply them to my life. Since reading this book, I've been more proactive toward attaining my short-term and long term goals, and am excited to see where this more mindful journey will lead me.

5-Star Amazon Rating

God's Plan For Your Life Doesn't Have To Be A Mystery

Stop wondering and start moving towards all that God created you for. EMERGE! walks you through the five phases of knowing your calling and offers insightful advice and solutions to common pitfalls on the journey toward greater fulfillment. Through self-discovery questions, journaling, and a look at how God reveals purpose in the Bible, women will confidently be able to answer the question, “What is my purpose?”.

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